Applied Nutritional Research

Applied Nutrition from Natural Ways To Health

Introduction to The Living Foods Lifesyle
A beginners guide to wellness and longevity through food choices and lifestyle changes.
Thanks to Richard Salome and Denise Swann, Health Educators.

Fatigue, A Common Dilema In Our Modern Times
By: Ayesha Rognlie, Nutritional Consultant and Educator.

Nutritional Support for Allergies
How allergies are caused, and how to combat allergies with nutrition.

Excerpt from a Natural Ways To Health news letter.

Weight Loss
Excerpt from a Natural Ways To Health news letter.

Weight Management
Metabolism and Appetite Balance for Optimum Weight Management

Recommendations for a comprehensive attack on candida

Guardians of Health
Powerful blood and brain foods with phyto-nutrients targeted toward support of the immune system and its associated internal organs including, the brain, liver, kidneys, spleen, gall bladder, stomach and intestinal tract, pancreas, blood, and nerves.

Isoflavones, Important Anti-Cancer Components of Soy
While the Chinese began cultivating the soybean and recording its medical benefits approximately 5,000 years ago, (it is one of the five crops named as sacred by the Chinese Emperor Shin-nong (2967-2579 BC), modern science is just beginning to understand its effectiveness in preventing and treating disease in the body. Isoflavones, particularly genistein and daidzein are important anti-cancer components of soy. Isoflavones are phytoestrogens. Isoflavones demonstrate antiangiogenic effects on tumors.

The Liver, according to Traditional Chinese Medicine
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) teaches that symptoms as varied as acid reflux and acne can be signals of liver distress that are relieved by enhancing liver function. These and hundreds of other symptoms point to a breakdown in one of the many functions of this extremely active organ.

The Kidney, the vitality center of the body
In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the kidney is the seat of procreation. The kidney is the vitality center of the body. The kidney is the clarity of our thinking, our ability to regenerate our body. The kidney is a gift from our parents, the Western equivalent of DNA.

Calcium - Nutritional Health Information
Calcium absorption is improved by adequate amounts of protein, magnesium, phosphorous, and vitamin D. Conditions that reduce calcium absorption include high intakes of oxalates and phytates, found in foods such as spinach and unleavened whole wheat products. Consumption of alcohol, coffee, sugar, or medications such as diuretics, tetracycline, aluminum containing antacids, or stress can reduce absorption. Lack of exercise and immohility can reduce calcium absorption as well as cause an increase in calcium losses. Calcium deficiency can increase risk of bone disorders such as osteoporosis.

The Bio-Coral Calcium Story
Essential calcium and other minerals from above-the-sea fossilized deposits. Does not affect the natural ecosystem of living coral reefs.

Anti-aging and Staying Young
Anti-aging and staying young with Acetyl-L-Carnitine, Alpha Lipoic Acid, and amino acids.

Natural Human Growth Hormone Releaser
Anti-aging and staying young with AlphaCell a natural HGH releaser and Secretagogue. Alpha-glycerophosphocholine and phosphatidylserine help naturally restore Growth Hormone Production to near youthful levels, while boosting the body's detoxification and rejuvenation systems.

Aloe Vera an Ancient Healer
Healing and anti-aging effects of aloe vera.

Power Juices Super Drinks
A recommended book with quick, delicious recipes to reverse and prevent disease.

Juice Fasting and Detoxification
A recommended book on the use of the healing power of fresh juice to feel young and look great.

Wheatgrass Nature's Finest Medicine
A recommended book on using grass foods and juices to help your health.

Recommended Juicers
Three reasonable cost juicers: including two easy to use, pulp ejection, continuous juicing models; and a low rpm twin-gear juicer that excells with wheat grass and leafy-greens.

Recipes For Health

The Living Foods Recipes
From the book "Introduction to The Living Foods Lifestyle".
Thanks to Richard Salome and Denise Swann.

Delicious Meal Replacement
Do your body a favor. Start your day with full spectrum nutrition.

Morning Energizer Recipe
This particular blend makes a very nourishing and stabilizing breakfast drink. It will keep you energized and satisfied for hours.

Blended Salad Recipe
This blended salad recipe is great for energy, weight loss, and cleansing.

Master Cleanser
Dissolves and eliminates toxins and congestion that have formed in any part of the body. Purifies the liver, cleanses the kidneys and the digestive system.

Technical Papers and Research

Favorable Effect of Some Food Supplements on Biological Age This exciting study from the Kharkiv State University, Ukraine, Russia illustrates the efficacy of certain nutritional supplements in the rejuvenation of biological age.

Allergies: How to avoid them Based on research by: Larry J. Milam, D.I.HOM.

Golden Ginkgo Biloba (4 pages, 40KB) Thanks to Larry J. Milam, D.I.HOM
Ginkgo has been used in Chinese Medicine for over 5,000 years to treat age-related circulation disorders, memory loss, cancer, asthma and other pulmonary diseases, impaired hearing and sexual dysfunctions, just to name a few.

Host Defense Potentiators (4 pages, 25KB) Thanks to Larry J. Milam, D.I.HOM
Some herbal compounds have shown their efficacy as "Host Defense Potentiators." These include Echinacea, Astragalus, Gold Thread, Reishi Mushroom, Cat's Claw, and Aloe Vera.

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